End Period Poverty & Break Menstrual Barriers​

Our vision is a world in which a girl’s education is not abandoned or taken away because of her gender, a world where she can freely pursue her education, still be a girl, and grow into an educated, skilled woman.

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Burkina Faso has the 7th highest child marriage rate globally. Yes, you read that shocking statistic correctly. The 7th highest. A 2019 global database study by AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL “found that 52% of the women in Burkina Faso currently between 20-24 years of age was married before age 18.” Less than half of the girls complete basic education. For example, the success rate for the first cycle study certificate, Basic Education Certificate Examination (B.E.C.E.), or the end of secondary term was estimated at 43.1%, with 38.5% for girls in 2018 according to UNESCO. Girl Now Woman Later wants to improve these statistics.

Map of Burkina Faso

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